The group of companies “Systems and Technologies” is a member of the largest IT-companie

The group of companies “Systems and Technologies” has entered the shortlist of the rating RIA “Rating” of the largest Russian IT-companies according to 2014 results.

All significant domestic IT-companies, which gave the datum about their practice directions and total earnings in 2012, 2013 and 2014, have taken part in the rating.

The datum of the rating show that the majority of Russian IT-companies increased their income in 2014, but the rates of growth were lower the level of inflation (3%). A significant number of companies demonstrated the fall of earnings because of that. The growth has been noticed in 44 companies out of 60 that were in the rating.

However, within a year the group of companies “Systems and Technologies” has increased its income on 11%, that is significantly higher than the level of inflation. Moreover, the rate of growth, which is higher than the level of inflation has been noticed only in 23 companies out of 60.

All in all 60 largest companies earned 658.7 billion rubles, that is more than the results of 2013 on 6%.
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