"Systems and Technologies" have completed a significant project for the electric power industry in "

«Systems and Technologies» completed the project on creation of the center of data collection and transmission of commercial accounting of electric power in the branch of JSC «MRSK North-West» (part of «Rossetti») — «Komienergo». This project, made on the basis of «Systems and Technologies» own decisions, was the innovative market for electricity in the region.

SM160 intelligent controllers and «PCM Pyramid» information-computing complex were installed in «Komienergo». In this case, «Pyramid» implemented the ability to invert the evidence on tariff zones, as well as the first integration with Omni-Usautomated information system according to IEC 61968-9 for information exchange — «Integration of the application in electric utility. System interfaces for distribution management ».

The scale of the project is impressive:

  • The project capacity is 50 000 metering points;
  • 2 separate servers are used where the collection and publication of the database is made;
    20 automated workplaces are connected with the system. Workplaces interact with the server on function as «thick» (on «Pyramid 2000 PE) and „thin“ client (web interface). By combining the customers, the highest functionality has been achieved, ease of deployment and support and the role and rights of users are separated;
  • Working with the system is possible at a remote distance. At the moment it works in management and five production departments, which are distant from each other by hundreds of kilometers;
  • The accounting system was introduced in terms of the wholesale electricity market;
  • The system can work with 10 types of counters .

Moreover the data is collected from adjacent network sites — LLC „RSK“ to electricity metering point in the Republic of Komi. „Pyramid“ also uses the remote control and accounting of the electricity network.

»Systems and Technologies" experts held a 3-day training course at the facility for users of the system, providing additional counseling and regular testing of the comments .
In the long term development of this solution it is planned to extend the survey data collection devices with existing from 10 to 80 devices on data acquisition and transmission, as well as the introduction of 1 500 counters.

«Rossetti» Group remains one of the leaders in the Russian market for the introduction of innovative technologies in the backbone and distribution electric grid complex. Thus, according to the sales department of «Systems and Technologies», the information-measuring system (IMS) «Pyramid» was imbedded at more than 70% of the enterprises of «Rossetti» .

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